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  • Will I be safe?
    The entire resort is secured by full perimeter electric fences, electric gates, and a second 1.5m metal fence inside the electric fence, 24-hour armed response, 46 CCTV cameras, night watchmen and annually certified fire alarms and fire equipment. No visitors are permitted into our resort without an appointment. The waterfront is separate from the main resort enabling controlled access to the beach and lagoon. The beach is protected by shark nets. The area is malaria free. We have a professionally designed Health Center, run by a qualified nurse, fully equipped to deal with routine medical care and administer all medication. All facilitators are certified in CPR and First Aid and we have a doctor on call 24 hours a day. The nearest private hospital is only 20 minutes away.
  • Where do we stay at Sugar Bay?
    Students will be accommodated in the Sugar Bay cabins that are fitted with sharing bunk beds, toilets, and showers.
  • How does my laundry get done?
    Laundry will be handed in once a week on a specific day. You will be explained the process on arrival.
  • How do I get from the airport to Sugar Bay?
    We will have a vehicle that will pick all students up at the same time and bring them through to Sugar bay.
  • Will I have free time?
    Yes, you are given every Sunday off unless an excursion is planned for that weekend. Here you are able to do what you like. Family and friends are welcome to visit. These will be your own plans and need to be arranged yourself.
  • What can I do during the Holidays?
    Students will have three options, they can either go home for the 4 weeks, apply to work as a camp counsellor or job shadow one of the modules offered in the course that happens at Sugar Bay.
  • Will I be allowed to smoke?
    You will be treated as an adult during the course. It is, however, also expected of you to act responsibly. You will be allowed to smoke but only at certain periods of the day and these will need to be followed.
  • Who will be running the modules?
    Each module will be done by an experts that has a background in the field and has worked in that specific type of module. Students will be gaining real life experience and knowledge from these professionals.
  • What happens if I have to go home for an emergency?
    This will be handled when the time comes, and every best option will be brought up to accommodate the student as best as we can.
  • Can I bring my own car?
    It is recommended not to due to limited parking space, but arrangements can be made if this is the only way the student can get to Sugar Bay.
  • What if the student is afraid of weapons and does not want to take the module?
    Students will have the option to shoot a weapon and not be forced. We are exposing them to the safety of weapons as this links into the survival module. This module also corresponds with the self-defence course and this course if to give the students an understanding on how you can protect yourself in most dangerous situation and how to handle it in a calm manner. This will be done by a professional with years of experience.
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